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Perinatal specialist

Après 3 ans de naturopathie "générale", je me suis spécialisée en naturopathie périnatale, que je pratique dans mon cabinet ou à domicile.


Depuis toujours le monde de la périnatalité me passionne et je désire de tout coeur accompagner les femmes et les couples dans ce voyage magnifique afin qu'il se déroule au mieux, c'est à dire de manière agréable, physiologique et naturelle.

Je suis heureuse de vous accueillir et vous offrir un moment de bien-être et de partage autour de votre désir de conception, de votre grossesse ou de votre post-partum.

My accompaniments

100% personalized support

I will support you throughout your pregnancy through 3 consultations (online or in person) to best meet your needs, requests, questions and doubts.

Together, we create a personalized program so that you can experience your pregnancy serenely and harmoniously.



100% online support

I will support you throughout your pregnancy and the first month of your postpartum period with 9 newsletters containing information on your baby's development, the changes taking place in your body, nutrition adapted for you and your baby, exercises and practices, remedies and tips to alleviate your ailments and many other things so that you feel serene during your pregnancy, your childbirth and your postpartum period.


Poke Bowl


Pour une alimentation optimisant la fertilité, adaptée à votre grossesse et vos besoins et pour un post partum revitalisant et agréable


Exercises / Sport

Sports and exercises adapted to your needs and the stage of your pregnancy. A return to sport adapted to postpartum

Herbal Remedies


Plants to optimize fertility, to relieve pregnancy and postpartum disorders (nausea, hemorrhoids, insomnia, nervousness, etc.) or to optimize childbirth

Prenatal Yoga_edited.jpg

Meditations / breathing

Meditations, visualizations and breathing to accompany you throughout the process and connect you to your body and your baby

Bridge laying

Stretching / Exercises

Stretching and yoga exercises to give your baby more space and relieve any muscle tension

pregnant woman on couch

Emotional support

A moment of benevolent listening, without judgment, to come and deposit your emotions (doubts, fears, joys) and your questions.

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